Sunday, September 2, 2007

A little less evil

We all know the best snacks — and food in general — are whole foods. Simply put, it's anything that doesn't come from a box or a can. Most dieticians advise doing the majority of your shopping on the periphery of your grocery store and avoiding the middle aisles as much as you can. The middle aisle are filled with processed food — cookies, chips, frozen pizzas. But what abot when you have a craving for chips and carrot sticks are not going to cut it?
In these dire cases, you must go for the Lesser Evil. Mainly known for their delicious flavored popcorn which is lower calorie than most tubs, the Lesser Evil, just released a healthier alternative to chips. Krinkle Sticks are crunchy, baked, all natural potato snack made from real potatoes, with gourmet spices and nothing artificial. At 110 calories per serving and have 75% less fat than the leading potato chips, they may not be as healthy as a leafy salad, but they won't do the nutritional damage of a bag of cheesy puffs either. These snacks come in 4 flavors of evil: Cajun Kaboom!, Old School Bar-B-Que, Sour Cream & Onion and Classic SeaSalt.

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