Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just Say No

We've all been there, despite our best efforts to resist, we find ourselves caving to urgings from family or friends to have a drink, finish off the plate, or to eat a piece of grandma's famous pecan pie. After all, she made it just for you!
Resisting the pressure (and guilt trip) from others to overeat can be difficult. Sometimes, avoidance is the best tactic says Kathleen DesMaisons, author of The Sugar Addict's Total Recovery Program. She recommends:
If you're in a situation where others are drinking alcohol, order a seltzer water with a slice of lime. People will assume you're drinking, and you'll avoid having to explain why you're not.
Don't like seltzer? Have the lime in a glass of ice water or diet soda. Again, nobody will be the wiser.
Learn the art of disappearing. When it's time for dessert to be served, excuse yourself to run out to your car, go to the bathroom, make a phone call, check on the kids. By the time you return, everyone will be too busy eating to notice you're not.
If someone does question your efforts to eat or drink in moderation, turn the conversation back on them and take the heat off you. Ask them what party food they can't resist or something they just can't eat without feeling terrible. Soon they'll be so busy talking about themselves, they'll forget to pressure you to go off your diet.

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