Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dear Diary, I Have A Crush On Carbs....

Dear Diary, I know it's been a while since I've written. I believe my last entry was in 5th grade and was centered on my crush on Billy Bosworth and how much I hated long division. But I've grown up now and pulled out the ol' Hello Kitty diary to start a food journal. Studies have shown that people who kept a journal of everything they've eaten for at least five days a week are more likely to lose weight and maintain their weight loss. I will be able to see patterns in when I snack the most and how many calories I'm actually taking in over the course of the day. And there are many online versions that will help me with the calculations including the the Food and Fitness Tracker on iVillage, and I won't have to worry about my sister breaking into it because instead of the cheap little lock, it's password protected. I can't wait to see some progress after a few weeks. I wonder what Billy Bosworth is up to...Yours Truly, Me
More on food journals
Your Guide to the healthiest yogurt
6 weeks to a slimmer you

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