Friday, January 26, 2007

Stay Sane -- Commit Yourself

Cravings driving you up the wall? Maybe it's time to escape the house -- and get moving. Start a walking, a biking or an in-line skating group, or make a standing appointment with a friend at the gym, courts or park. Redbook magazine offers the tools to create a Walking Group -- they'll even send you music playlists and gear guides. Research shows that a workout buddy can help you stay committed to regular physical activity. Don't be surprised if your craving pipes down in the midst of catching up.
Look good while getting in shape,,8cwwz9hl,00.html?nlcid=cv01-09-2007
Curb emotional eating,,1k6s,00.html?nlcid=cv01-09-2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.