Monday, January 1, 2007

Pull A Fast One

The drive-through beckons -- and you cave. But don't despair: You can still indulge your fast-food cravings while sticking to a healthy diet. Just order smart, and consider it a special treat. A small bowl of chili and Mandarin Chicken salad makes a great meal from Wendy's. At Burger King, opt for a veggie burger or a TenderGrill Chicken Garden Salad with light Italian dressing. Even McDonalds is lightening up with "healthy" happy meals -- swapping soda and fries for milk, fruit juice, apples and carrot sticks. Or request a hamburger patty with lettuce, tomato and onion -- hold the bun. Voila: your favorite burger, reborn as a salad! That makes us happy.
Burn calories smarter and safer,,7w39w513,00.html?nlcid=cv12-01-2006

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