Monday, January 1, 2007

Peanut Butter, Only Better

We know what you're thinking: What could be better? Better'n Peanut Butter, also sold as Peanut Wonder, clocks in at around half the calories of the real thing -- with a fraction of the fat. Pair it with Smuckers Sugar Free Grape Jelly for a satisfying sandwich... just like Mom used to make! For a richly decadent dessert parfait, blend Peanut Wonder and Cool Whip, and layer with crushed Oreos from a 100-calorie pack from Nabisco. It's a tad more elegant in presentation than the peanut butter cups we used to wolf down by the bag.
Your guide to yogurt,,9mzlm34p,00.html?nlcid=cv12-05-2006
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Fiber: The forgotten ingredient for weight loss,,2nv7,00.html?nlcid=cv12-05-2006

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