Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year

My year has already gotten off to a bad start.
I started my day as always and was in for a surprise when I stepped on the scale. I managed to avoid weight gain during Thanksgiving, but gained it over the Christmas holiday. I had not 1 but 2 dinners (one at my house and 1 at my sister-in-law's house).
My uncle also made an appearance, and I am not comfortable exercising in front of people. I don't even workout in front of my 4 year old, of course that is because I don't want her to get obsessed with her weight. She could stand to gain about 10 pounds though.
Anyway, I am now at 218 pounds and I am not happy about it. My top resolution this year is to lose a minimum for 5 pounds per month (I have to lose 6 just to get back to where I was in August). Can I just cry? Oh, well it looks like I'm bound for "Days of Our Lives" and 30 minutes of my gazelle.
Check back for my update next week, and tomorrow for more weight loss tips.

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