Monday, January 8, 2007

I Think My Scale Is Broke

No, really. I have been working out like crazy all week (with the exception of my husband's 2 days off) and I have been watching everything that I eat and the stupid scale has only moved to somewhere between 216 and 217. While that may seen like a good thing, I assure you its not.

I believe that it is broken for a different reason. Two days ago I put on a shirt that I have not worn in about a year (in that same time the scale has only gone down 3 to 4 pounds) and the thing was huge on me. I literally felt like I was swimming in this shirt, but yet my scale says that I have only lost, like, 3 pounds. I don't get it.

Anyway, my workouts have been as follows:
Jan 1: two 15 minute sessions on my gazelle
Jan 2 (my half birthday): 10 minutes on it
Jan 3: 15 minutes
Jan 4 & 5: off
Jan 6: two 15 minute sessions
Jan 7: 30 straight minutes (this was quite the challenge and I am still hurting)
Yesterday, during my workout I got a muscle spasm in my right foot, not good when walking or using a gazelle. For those of you not familiar with the gazelle, it is like a cross between skiing and walking/jogging. So foot pain is kind of a pain to deal with, I stuck it out though and plan to do it again today. Now to add more fiber to my diet.
Til next week. Enjoy the tips and check back every few days for more ways to Conquer Your Cravings.



Juli said...

I don't think your scale is broken...BUT what I have learned is that sometimes the scale is the LAST thing that shows you are losing weight. Since your shirt is looking too big on you it might be better to take your measurments and track it that way for awhile. Regardless, it sounds like you're kicking butt on the workout. That's awesome. I myself am doing great too! I am on day three of Atkins and haven't even thought about cheating once. I weighed myself out of curiosity this morning and found that I am down 4 pounds since Monday. I am feeling energetic and very focused. We can do this!!

Buffie said...

I at one time thought about trying Atkins, but I just can't bring myself to 1)cut out a food group or 2)try a diet that the creater himself used and then died from a heart attack. But that's just me.