Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sorry I'm Late

I know that I have said that I would blog every Monday, but this week that just wasn't possible.

One way or another I have felt like crap this week. I have had muscle spasms in my foot, felt like I am going to toss my cookies (not that I have had a cookie since Christmas) and a VERY sharp pain in my right side, I think I may have pulled a muscle while working out on my Gazelle. And about that thing, don't you believe it when you see the infomercial. It takes way more than 20 minutes a day three days a week for you to see any kind of weight loss with it. It is hard (not that it should be easy), but to the point where I can go outside and walk a mile in like 10 minutes, but it takes more than 30 minutes on it, I doubt it.

I didn't quite make my predicted workout, although I did do most of it. This past Monday I got in 30 minutes and did the same yesterday. I took today off (just as I will do tomorrow, my honey is off work). Friday, I think that I will try my new exercise ball. I'll let you know how that works. As for my weight, lets just say that I am up 2 pounds from the start of the month. Can I pull my hair out now????????? Did I mention that my honey and I are trying for a baby?


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