Monday, January 15, 2007

Conquer Your Cravings

Busy Hands Can't Reach into the Cookie Jar
It's true: Idle hands have a way of gravitating toward forbidden food. So instead of reaching into the proverbial cookie jar -- or freezer, or pantry -- divert your digits with something else. Make a phone call (go old school and forego the hands-free headset!). Treat yourself to a manicure. Crochet your mom a scarf. Squeeze one of those squishy stress balls. Once your hands -- and mind -- are engaged, any cravings borne of boredom are sure to vanish. Give yourself a hand!

Color My World
Seeing red? Getting hungry? Research has shown that fiery red, orange and yellow are the hues that induce hunger and ignite cravings... think of your favorite fast-food logo, and you'll begin to understand what's going on here. On the contrary, soothing shades of blue and green have been shown to dampen and allay hunger pangs, lulling a craving to sleep before it rears its head. So set your computer to display that ocean screen saver, or splurge on that mint-green sweater. Counter the "chain gang," and use color theory to curb your cravings, not coax them out.
Are you maximizing your metabolism?
Portion Distortion quiz

Give Chimichurri a Whirl
We love pesto, but the cheese-and-pine-nut puree can pile on the pounds. Adopt the ways of the Argentineans, and enjoy chimichurri sauce -- a pesto variation that skips the cheese, moving fresh herbs to center stage. Adding zest to chicken, fish and veggies, it's the perfect finish to a healthy dinner. Give the following a whirl in your blender: half a bunch of parsley, three garlic cloves, 1/4 cup of olive oil, a dash of red-wine vinegar, some lemon juice, half a teaspoon of red onion, 1/4 teaspoon of dried oregano and a pinch of salt and pepper. Makes several servings; chill in fridge beforehand.

Hit the Beach
You've read about the South Beach Diet. Now, you can dive in more easily than ever -- without slaving over the stove or catching the next flight to Florida. Kraft Foods has launched a new line of South Beach Diet breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks -- all great-tasting and nutrient-rich, as per the South Beach mantra of non-deprivation. It's not about cutting carbs -- it's about eating the right kind. Try Vegetable Medley Breakfast Wraps to start the day, and Garlic Parmesan Chicken with Penne for a savory lunch or dinner. Time to hit the Beach, wouldn't you say?
Are your friends making you fat?

California Cookies
Eyeing the cookie jar with envy? Take heart -- you don't have to pass up these munch-worthy morsels. To satisfy a cookie craving, opt for oatmeal raisin, pecan or another high-fiber, high-protein combination of oats and nuts. Or, try Natasha's Health Nut Cookies -- low-carb, sugar-free goodies made from almond meal into raisin-amaretto, cranberry-orange and vanilla-chocolate-chip varieties. Natasha -- one of our new best friends -- bakes her goods from scratch out in San Mateo. Leave it to California to create a healthy cookie!
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Slip into your skinnies in six weeks,,neporent_9zsd62vk,00.html?nlcid=cv12-22-2006

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