Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Portion Plates

Weight loss researchers say one of the biggest causes behind the growing obesity epidemic isn't carbs or fat. It's huge plates, monstrous fountain drinks, and out-of-control portion sizes!
Researcher Sue Pederson at the University of Calgary was curious if portion control dinnerware may provide a solution. The dinnerware, made by Diet Plate Limited of England, is divided into areas for veggies, meats, and grains and comes downsized in diameters that automatically help cut calories by leaving less room on the plate.
Pederson asked 65 study participants to eat off the specially designed dinnerware, while another 65 did not. Patients in both groups were overweight. After six months, those who did nothing else but use the special dishes dropped about 2% of their total body weight, compared to a 0.1% loss in the control group.
Get the same results by reading food labels and measuring out single servings until you can eyeball a "recommended" portion and exchanging your usual dish for a smaller plate.
The moral of the story? Go ahead, eat what you want, Pederson says, just be careful about how much of it you eat.

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