Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Gender Weight Divide

As the saying goes, when it comes to equal rights, we've come a long way, baby.
But when it comes to why men and women want to lose weight, the genders aren't the same, says researcher Karen Miller-Kovach, chief scientific officer at Weight Watcher's International and author of the book, "She Loses, He Loses."
Miller-Kovach analyzed the reasons men and women gave for wanting to shape up and found some interesting differences. Women were likely motivated to change their appearance and often cited an upcoming event like a high school reunion, a wedding, or swimsuit season as a prime driver. On the other hand, men said health scares, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, or joint pain, were most likely to get their attention.
Interestingly their preferred approaches varied, too. Women usually started by cutting calories, while men tended to hit the gym. So who wins? Neither. A combination of both exercise and diet proved the very best way to get the scale moving in the right direction, Miller-Kovack says.

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