Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Beware Liquid Calories

If you're a fan of fresh juice, smoothies, and protein shakes, beware - they could be adding more to your caloric bottom line than you think.
Researchers from Purdue University recently studied the role such liquid calories play in weight gain and found something startling - such drinks not only contain extra calories of their own, but they also seem to stimulate the appetite for the rest of the day!
In the study, the food intake of 120 participants was tracked for a three day period. Researchers found that when meals were paired with milk, juice, or coconut milk instead of water, study participants ate 12 to 20% more calories that day, despite reporting that they felt full after eating. Or in other words, they ate between 120 and 400 calories more if they aimed for a 2,000 a calorie a day diet, which could lead to a weight gain of between 12 and 41 pounds per year! Yikes!
Bottom line? Make water, iced tea, or other calorie-free beverages your drink of choice at meals and you'll eat less all day long. Talk about an easy way to trim the fat!

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