Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Are Your Friends Making You Fat?

If your friends are heavy, are you more likely to be heavy too? Or in other words, can your friends (or co-workers) make you fat?
A new study took a look at the question with interesting results. After studying the social lives of 12,000 people, researchers decided that yes — you and your friend's BMI's may indeed be linked. Why? It all boils down to habits and support. If your friends pile their plates high and make food the focus of every gathering, chances are you will too.
However, the researchers aren't suggesting anyone cut heavyweights from their social circle — just that people be more aware of their behavior when in situations where they may be encouraged to overeat by others.
Another tactic: replace the tendency to socialize around food with some healthier options like:
Get together at times not normally associated with a daily meal (like at 10 a.m., 2 p.m. or after 8 p.m.)
Go for a walk instead of grabbing a coffee
If you are sharing a meal while dining out, take advantage of the power of numbers. Split an entree between two, or a dessert between four
Meet with friends at locations where food isn't the focus like the pool, the ice rink, the museum, the park
Remember the only person in control of your weight is you. Stick to your goals regardless of the choices those around you are making

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