Sunday, September 2, 2007

Find your magic number

We all know there is there is no one magic bullet way to lose weight. If there was one diet or one exercise plan that worked for everyone there wouldn't be hundreds of diet books and workout plans and 2/3 of Americans wouldn't be overweight. The one rule that every dieter should follow is to reduce the amount of calories your body needs to maintain its current weight and exercise to help speed up the weight loss plan. To find out how many calories your body needs to maintain its current weight, multiple your current weight by 12. So if you want 150 multiply that by 12 which gives you 1,800, so you need 1,800 calories every day to maintain your current weight. One quick way to lose weight would be to cut 300 calories from your daily intake and burn an additional 200 calories each day for a total of 500 calorie loss each day. One pound is equivalent to 3,500 calories so you would lose about a pound a week.

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