Tuesday, September 18, 2007

17 Healthy Office Snacks

Let's face it, there isn't anything in that office vending machine that's good for you. And it's even worse if you work at a place that sells unhealthy snacks! So what should you bring to nibble on at work? Try these suggestions, from nutritionist Sue Gilbert:
Ready-to-eat, serving-sized boxed cereals (high fiber, low sugar, low fat)
Power Bars
Granola Bars (low-fat variety)
Homemade trail mix (include nuts, dried fruits, cereals, pretzels, etc.)
Dried fruits (especially apricots, figs and raisins)
Cookies (ginger snaps, graham crackers, animal crackers, oatmeal, Fig Newtons)
Pretzels (whole wheat)
Whole grain, low-fat crackers (Melba toast, Wasa, low-fat Triscuits, etc.)
Dry-roasted mixed nuts (eat only a few at a time since they are high in fat and calories)
Rice cakes
Low-sugar peanut butter (with knife for spreading)
Juice boxes (100 percent juice, Vitamin C-rich or vegetable juice)
Shelf-stable low-fat puddings
Applesauce cups
Instant oatmeal or other hot cereal
Be sure to remember portions and calories. This is not an all-you-can-eat list!

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