Monday, March 26, 2007


My all time favorite holiday is just around the corner, Easter. And anyone who knows me knows that I love to bake. This time of year (as well as Christmas) is very hard for me. Not only because I love to bake, but also because it is hard to see all of the goodies and not eat them. They are very tasty. So I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I also have a 4 year old who loves to bake with Mommy (and who according to her pediatrician needs to gain weight). Thanks doc, make my life more difficult. All of this would be easier if I only had my daughter's energy, I swear the child could go 48 hours straight and be fine.
That deals with the temptation, now comes the lack of motivation. I have none. My husband, God bless him, says that I look fine just the way that I am and is content to sit around and watch TV all evening. The ladies who wanted to do a cross country weight loss group with me, are no where to be found. I started THIS blog with that group in mind and not one of them has the time to log in and report on their progress and plan of action. Which makes me wonder, if they don't have the time to record what they are doing, are they doing anything at all? As for me, I don't really have all that much time, I have housework that is never ending with a 4 year old and a husband, I have several thousand recipes that I am supposed to be typing as well as sewing projects that I need to finish (namely my little girl's Easter dress and birthday gifts for my niece that I need by the end of next month). I still have to finish the comforter for mine and my husband's bed and curtains for the kitchen, living room and bedroom (I have none up).
So if there is anyone out there who is looking to lose weight (or just live a healthier life) leave a comment and let me know what's the what. Or if you just want to help motivate me, I sure could use it.

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