Monday, March 26, 2007

Sexier Arms: 4 Exercises to Stop the Jiggle!

Today we begin with a simple exercise. Your right arm should be at the side of your body. Please lift it up and out to the side so that your shoulder and hand form a straight line. Next, simply shake your right arm. Is fat bouncing all over the place like a bowl of Jell-O? Congratulations, you officially have bat wings. Let’s face it, you're carrying too much body fat.
Everyone is fascinated by women who have sleek and tight arms -- biceps that look fit with a bit of muscularity and triceps that look tight and firm. It displays strength and femininity wrapped into one package. In my opinion, this is a totally sexy look.
I’ve designed a simple program for creating tighter arms that will produce fabulous results. So if your goal is to show off sleek arms in a sleeveless dress, then you’ve come to the right place. If you’re a man who wants better looking “guns,” the routine will work for you as well.
Many of my customized workouts are based on years of my own personal experience as well as trial and error with my personal training clients. Members of eDiets should also take advantage of the hundreds of additional exercises with animations and descriptions located on the eDiets fitness program and Virtual Trainer.
Here’s my formula for sexy arms...
Antagonist Workouts: Antagonist training is working opposing muscle groups in the same workout. There are many ways to manipulate workout parameters, but I’ve had great success performing a biceps exercise immediately followed by a triceps exercise (also called a super set). Rest, then repeat the cycle. This not only increases blood flow into the entire arm, but also challenges the cardiovascular system to some degree.
Antagonist super sets also allow you to use more weight because the opposing muscle group gets a bit of a rest as you work the other muscle. This is my all-time favorite way to work arms, and I’ve had my greatest success using this method with clients and eDiets members.

Time Between Sets: Arms respond quite well with a 45-second to 60-second rest between super sets when performing antagonist training. After performing the biceps and triceps exercise, wait no more then this to repeat the cycle. People tend to wait a lot longer then they realize or they repeat a set too soon.
Lower Body Fat: You won’t get great-looking arms with elevated body fat levels. Sometimes new eDiets members tell me that they hate the flab on the back of there arms and want to know which exercises will make the arms sleek. It doesn’t quite work like that. As you perform your arm exercises and as you reduce body fat through a slight calorie reduction with added cardiovascular exercise -- you’ll see your arms develop the way you want them to. The muscles will develop slightly from your workouts and your reduced body fat will then display sleek muscles.
For four weeks, add the following program to your upper body weight-training sessions. Place it first in the workout, and then follow with all of your other muscle groups (chest, back and shoulders). Yes, your arms will be fatigued while performing the other exercises, but this allows you to prioritize the arms. The muscles that are worked at the beginning of a workout usually respond the quickest to changes.
The Workout
A1. Fitball Supine Triceps Extension
Starting Position:
Hold a dumbbell in each hand.
Sit on the ball and walk your feet out until your head, neck and shoulders are supported on the ball with the knees at a 90-degree angle.
Raise your hips in line with the knees and shoulders like a tabletop. Maintain the tabletop position throughout the exercise.
Holding the dumbbells, extend your arms toward the ceiling with a slight bend in the elbows.
Slowly lower the dumbbells toward the shoulders by bending the elbows and stopping just short of the dumbbells touching the shoulders.
Contracting the triceps muscles, slowly return to the starting position, stopping just short of the arms being fully extended with a slight bend in the elbows.
Key Points:
Inhale while lifting the weights.
Exhale while returning to the starting position.
The upper arms should remain stationary throughout the exercise.
A2. Barbell Double Biceps Curl(stand with your back against a wall for better isolation of the biceps)
Starting Position:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with a slight bend in the knees.
Hold the barbell with both hands shoulder width apart, a slight bend in the elbows and palms facing away from your body. The barbell should be resting lightly on your thighs.
Keep your shoulder blades contracted throughout the range of motion.
Contracting the biceps muscles, raise the barbell toward the shoulders keeping the upper arm stationary and elbows close to the body stopping just short of the barbell touching your shoulders.
Slowly return to the starting position.
Key Points:
Exhale as you raise the weight.
Inhale while returning to the starting position.
Instruction: Perform A1 for 10 reps and immediately go to A2 and perform 12 reps (superset). Wait 45 seconds and perform the superset two additional times for a total of three supersets.
B1. Triceps Extension
Starting Position:
Stand with a dumbbell in your right hand and your left hand on your hip.
Press the weight over your head until your right arm is almost straight with a slight bend in the elbow at the top position.
Do not allow the weight to touch your head or neck area.
Slowly bend your elbow, lowering the weight until your arm forms a 90-degree angle behind your head stopping before the weight touches your back.
Contracting the triceps muscles, slowly return to the starting position.
Key Points:
Exhale while returning to the starting position.
Inhale while lowering the weight.
After completing the set on the right side, repeat on the left side.
This exercise is not to be performed with large dumbbells. The technique is more important than the weight.
You can also perform this exercise while seated on a bench.
B2. The Biceps Curl
Starting Position:
Sit on a bench or chair with both feet in front of your body and your back straight.
Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms at each side and palms facing forward.
Contracting the biceps muscles, raise the weights toward your shoulders stopping just short of the weights touching the shoulders.
Slowly return to the starting position.
Key Points:
Exhale while lifting the weights.
Inhale while returning to the starting position.
Your upper arms should remain stationary throughout the exercise.
Instruction: Perform B1 for 12 reps and immediately go to B2 and perform 12 reps (superset). Wait 45 seconds and perform the superset two additional times for a total of three supersets. Perform the workout on three alternate days of the week. Beginners should perform only one superset of each cycle.
Believe me, the program is not easy, but it will produce results when combined with your nutrition program. Time to get to work.
Please check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

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