Monday, March 5, 2007

Game On

Sometimes all it takes is one day of cheating to derail your diet for the rest of the week. And if you're like us, you need a little extra motivation to keep yourself from munching on unhealthy snacks in the midafternoon. If you're the competitive type, maybe making a game or point system out of resisting temptation can be just the thing to keep you keepin' on.
For next week, make a list of things you'd like to accomplish, such as going to the gym three times, avoiding the vending machine every day, and drinking an extra glass of water each day. Then assign point values to each mini goal and determine a reward for yourself if, and only if, you score enough points.
Possible rewards could be letting yourself sleep in an extra hour on Saturday or picking up that pricy lip gloss you've been eyeing. For even more of a contest, challenge your SO, a friend or a coworker, and let the person with the most points decide his or her reward.
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