Tuesday, March 13, 2007

See The Future

Snacking is dieting's arch nemesis. Not only can munching on fatty snacks counteract the effects of a day's healthy eating, but it can also damage the dieter's spirit, which in turn encourages more snacking. It's a vicious cycle, as you may already know. Luckily there are times when you can see the urge to snack coming, as if it were an enormous exit sign on the highway of your day. Those times are often when someone else is providing the munchies. Next time you have a work luncheon or you know someone's bringing in snacks, plan ahead. If you can, eat your healthy lunch (and include good sources of protein to keep you feeling full) right before the event. That way, you'll be less likely to pick up a cookie here and a couple chips there.
10 Food Fibs That Make You Gain Weight
Body Image in the Bedroom
Diet Advice to Take to Heart

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