Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My Scale WAS Broke

Ms Juli didn't believe me, but my trusty scale was not so trusty. It was off by about 15 pounds. The day I got my new scale I weighed 235.6 lb and am happy to say that I am down to 231 lbs. Granted that is still more than what I want to be, but it is proof that the weight is leaving. What was it that the turtle said to the rabbit? That's right, "slow and steady wins the race". That is true whether you are talking about racing or losing unwanted weight.
It may frustrate you to lose it slowly, but when the loss is slow there is less of a chance that you will gain it back.
So hang in there and you will get to where you are going.


1 comment:

Juli said...

Stupid scales!! I am gonna throw mine out the window. Who's with me???