Thursday, February 22, 2007

Are You A 10?

Do you have a hard time knowing whether you're hungry or not? Of course, we never have a hard time knowing whether we want something or not. Perhaps you need to remind yourself of what it feels like to actually need to refuel. The authors of The Reverse Diet, Tricia Cunningham and Heidi Skolnik, recommend creating a 1 to 10 hunger scale to understand your hunger, with 1 representing "Extremely hungry, unable to function" and 10 standing for "Very comfortable, can function." Each number in between represents a varying degree of hunger or satiety. Next time you're contemplating a snack, whip out your hunger scale and determine where you stand. It could be just enough to make you put your change back into your purse.
Lose it for good
Customize your plan
Snack like a celeb

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