Thursday, February 22, 2007

Milk It

Check out the surface of your desk. What drink is sitting there, poised for consumption? Are you the strictly water woman who refuses to waste calories on liquids? Are you the beverage lover who has a glass of water with her coffee, juice and soda? Or are you a soda gal all the way?
A recent report based on a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (the survey was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics) claims that females between 14 and 49 who drank more milk and less soda and sugary drinks were likely to weigh less than other women who didn't.
You're thinking: I could have told you that. But that's just one of the reasons the Milk Processor Education Program -- the guys who ran the report -- have launched the Think About Your Drink campaign. They also claim that adult women drink the least amount of milk out of any of the demographics. Maybe it's time to bring back the milk break from your kindergarten days.
Do it your way
Celebs' favorite snacks
Portion patrol

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