Two weeks ago today I brought home a brand new scale. I wasn't thrilled with what it said that I weighed, but it being digital I have found that I can't manipulate it the way that I could my old one. In that same two week time frame I have dropped 5 pounds, and that my friends is grounds for celebration (230.8 lbs and going down).
I would like to be able to credit the loss with the removal of soda from my diet, but sadly that is not the case. You may say that I was weak, but my husband will argue that I am strong, but without soda I am a bitch. Even my 4 year old wanted nothing to do with me the week that I went without a soda. I have cut back on my consumption, I now will have one soda every couple of days (I have also been known to make one can of soda last for two days).
With only 6 days left in the month I am excited about what I can get down to . Now to start rescheduling my workouts (and actually doing them), I have become quite relaxed in that area this month. Check back around Monday to see how I am doing and feel free to let me know how your progress is going.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Will Brake For Mousse
Moist, dense mousse? Ooh la la, you think -- but alas, it's a notorious diet saboteur. Enter Sans Sucre Mousse. (It means "without sugar," but sounds so much better in French, n'est-ce pas?) At 75 calories per serving, flavored with NutraSweet, its tres gourmet flavors include Chocolate Cheesecake, Key Lime Pie, Mocha Cappuccino, and -- but of course -- French Vanilla. No cooking required; simply add skim milk, chill and serve. Top with fresh berries or mini chocolate chips, or serve in a Keebler waffle cone for a grown-up take on a kiddie-park treat.
Fight fat with fruit
Drop 10 fast snack ideas
Fiber: The forgotten ingredient for weight loss
Fight fat with fruit
Drop 10 fast snack ideas
Fiber: The forgotten ingredient for weight loss
A Sound Invvestment
Ever notice how healthy cooking seems so high-maintenance? A lot more difficult than coasting through the drive-through, it demands loads of patience, not to mention vigilance. When you need a helping hand (or three), invest in a rice cooker -- it makes those good-for-you grains ridiculously easy to prepare. Unlike the stovetop method that chains you to the kitchen -- and forces you to scrape out the inevitably burned bottom -- the rice-steamer yields a fragrant batch of rice that's timed to the minute. It's smarter than us -- it knows exactly when to stop. Its bag of tricks also includes the know-how to steam veggies and make oatmeal from scratch. At a range of price points, from basic to bells-and-whistles, it's a great investment in healthy eating. Now sit down, relax, and enjoy your dinner!
Celebs answer: What's your favorite snack?
Why women need muscles
Fat-burning zone
Celebs answer: What's your favorite snack?
Why women need muscles
Fat-burning zone
Start Today
Ever found yourself scribbling down the calorie counts of the day's meals, promising yourself you're going to figure out how much you really consume? What about tracking your fitness regime? Ever meticulously record your workout stats in your planner, only to completely forget to do so after the next few gym visits? Well there's no reason to be so unorganized about it! Our free online Food and Fitness Tracker allows you to record your caloric, carb, water and fat intakes and your cardio and strength workouts. The tool also features a journal function, which allows you to make special notes, like "I think that extra protein in my lunch today really did keep me feeling full for longer!"
It's not too late!
Get a dancer's body
Your body, your way
It's not too late!
Get a dancer's body
Your body, your way
Milk It
Check out the surface of your desk. What drink is sitting there, poised for consumption? Are you the strictly water woman who refuses to waste calories on liquids? Are you the beverage lover who has a glass of water with her coffee, juice and soda? Or are you a soda gal all the way?
A recent report based on a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (the survey was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics) claims that females between 14 and 49 who drank more milk and less soda and sugary drinks were likely to weigh less than other women who didn't.
You're thinking: I could have told you that. But that's just one of the reasons the Milk Processor Education Program -- the guys who ran the report -- have launched the Think About Your Drink campaign. They also claim that adult women drink the least amount of milk out of any of the demographics. Maybe it's time to bring back the milk break from your kindergarten days.
Do it your way
Celebs' favorite snacks
Portion patrol
A recent report based on a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (the survey was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics) claims that females between 14 and 49 who drank more milk and less soda and sugary drinks were likely to weigh less than other women who didn't.
You're thinking: I could have told you that. But that's just one of the reasons the Milk Processor Education Program -- the guys who ran the report -- have launched the Think About Your Drink campaign. They also claim that adult women drink the least amount of milk out of any of the demographics. Maybe it's time to bring back the milk break from your kindergarten days.
Do it your way
Celebs' favorite snacks
Portion patrol
Are You A 10?
Do you have a hard time knowing whether you're hungry or not? Of course, we never have a hard time knowing whether we want something or not. Perhaps you need to remind yourself of what it feels like to actually need to refuel. The authors of The Reverse Diet, Tricia Cunningham and Heidi Skolnik, recommend creating a 1 to 10 hunger scale to understand your hunger, with 1 representing "Extremely hungry, unable to function" and 10 standing for "Very comfortable, can function." Each number in between represents a varying degree of hunger or satiety. Next time you're contemplating a snack, whip out your hunger scale and determine where you stand. It could be just enough to make you put your change back into your purse.
Lose it for good
Customize your plan
Snack like a celeb
Lose it for good
Customize your plan
Snack like a celeb
Keep It Real
Some days you want to indulge so badly, but you talk yourself out of it, then admit that it wouldn't be that bad, then talk yourself out of it again, and then eat a healthy (or healthier) snack. Then 20 minutes later, feeling unsatisfied, you indulge anyway. If you can feel such a cycle coming on, acknowledge that a girl needs a treat every now and then indulge. (Yes, we'll be oxymoronic here and say with moderation.) By being real with yourself, you can cut out the middle man -- otherwise known as the healthy snack sandwiched between your conscience and your indulgence -- and enjoy yourself. By aiming for great, not perfect, you won't deprive yourself, and you'll be more likely to move on and concern yourself with more important things than a few extra calories.
Get long and lean muscles
Get inspired
Read advice from real women
Get long and lean muscles
Get inspired
Read advice from real women
Sweet Salvation
Looking for a sweet something that will chase those donut and Ding Dong dreams away? Try this nutritious Carrot and Raisin Salad that has just 90 calories per serving. Simply add 5 cups grated carrots, 5 cups raisins, 5 cups drained pineapple, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 5 tsp. cinnamon to a bowl, mix together thoroughly and enjoy! The recipe makes enough for a mid-afternoon snack for Monday through Friday. Not only is the combination delicious, but the carrots supply you with excellent antioxidant compounds and more vitamin A than you need. Meanwhile, raisins contain great amounts of dietary boron, a mineral that helps women's bodies use estrogen and vitamin D properly, which in turns keeps bones strong.
Lose the holiday weight
Portion patrol
Get a dancer's body
Lose the holiday weight
Portion patrol
Get a dancer's body
Get A Head Start
Do you have a long commute home or like to go to the gym straight after work? If you're looking for a way to come home to a magically prepared dinner, without going through the drive-through, start dinner in the morning. Registered dietitian Erin Bartels suggests letting the slow-cooker, um, cook for you all day. Okay, so it's not magic, but we bet you'll thank us when you open the door to a home smelling like a delicious meal. Now you can even purchase slow-cooker liners that are disposable, so you don't even have to clean up afterward. A meal that cooks and cleans up after itself? Where do we sign?
It's not too late to start on your resolutions
Diet advice to take to heart
Customize your diet and fitness plan
It's not too late to start on your resolutions
Diet advice to take to heart
Customize your diet and fitness plan
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
My Scale WAS Broke
Ms Juli didn't believe me, but my trusty scale was not so trusty. It was off by about 15 pounds. The day I got my new scale I weighed 235.6 lb and am happy to say that I am down to 231 lbs. Granted that is still more than what I want to be, but it is proof that the weight is leaving. What was it that the turtle said to the rabbit? That's right, "slow and steady wins the race". That is true whether you are talking about racing or losing unwanted weight.
It may frustrate you to lose it slowly, but when the loss is slow there is less of a chance that you will gain it back.
So hang in there and you will get to where you are going.
It may frustrate you to lose it slowly, but when the loss is slow there is less of a chance that you will gain it back.
So hang in there and you will get to where you are going.
Will Brake For Mousse
Moist, dense mousse? Ooh la la, you think -- but alas, it's a notorious diet saboteur. Enter Sans Sucre Mousse. (It means "without sugar," but sounds so much better in French, n'est-ce pas?) At 75 calories per serving, flavored with NutraSweet, its tres gourmet flavors include Chocolate Cheesecake, Key Lime Pie, Mocha Cappuccino, and -- but of course -- French Vanilla. No cooking required; simply add skim milk, chill and serve. Top with fresh berries or mini chocolate chips, or serve in a Keebler waffle cone for a grown-up take on a kiddie-park treat.
Fight fat with fruit
Drop 10 fast snack ideas
Fiber: The forgotten ingredient for weight loss
Fight fat with fruit
Drop 10 fast snack ideas
Fiber: The forgotten ingredient for weight loss
Hey, That Tastes Like...
Don't knock the humble chicken breast. Infinitely versatile, this popular protein is a low-fat source of B vitamins like B6 and niacin, which help the body convert carbohydrates into energy. Try a three-ounce skinless chicken breast with one tablespoon of apricot chutney, as recommended by Prevention magazine, for a satisfying spread at 165 calories. Or try this quick, easy recipe for Glazed Lemon Chicken. Pour into a plastic zipper bag four tablespoons honey, the juice and zest of one lemon, one crushed garlic clove, one tablespoon Dijon mustard and one teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper. Toss four skinless chicken breasts into the bag, massage to coat and marinate for a couple of hours, then roast for 25 minutes at 400 degrees. Serves four. Chicken: it's always in good taste.
Eat more chocolate?
Stick to your resolutions this year
Shrink your waist with strawberries
Eat more chocolate?
Stick to your resolutions this year
Shrink your waist with strawberries
Twice As Nice As Plain Old Rice
Seeing red from too much brown -- as in brown bread, brown rice, and the rest of the "good carbs" roster? Time to sweeten the deal. Here's a lickety-split dessert from The Lean Plate Club — one that builds on the leftover brown rice you may have cooked for dinner. Just sprinkle with Splenda, cinnamon, a dash of vanilla extract and a splash of skim milk (around 1/3 cup). Voila — a cool, creamy and completely guiltless dessert. Who needs the bloated diner version? Break the ice, share the rice!
Winter exercises to whip you into shape
Low-cal winter drinks
Boost your weight loss naturally
Winter exercises to whip you into shape
Low-cal winter drinks
Boost your weight loss naturally
Hostess With The Mostest
Hosting a girls' night? Or just craving something salty? Back away from the shaker, sister! Wow your guests — and your taste buds — with this smoked trout spread from, rich enough on its own to eschew the need for seasoning. Take one package of smoked trout, remove skin and finely chop. Combine fish, 1/2 cup fat-free sour cream, and 1/3 cup low-fat mayonnaise into a medium bowl, and mash with a fork. Stir in 1/3 cup chopped red onion, 1/3 cup shredded carrot and 1/3 cup chopped green bell pepper. The recipe yields two cups, or eight servings. Serve on Melba toast for a satisfying crunch, and don't forget to share!
New year, new you
5 superfoods for weight loss
Stuff We Love: Excuse-busting new year's gear
New year, new you
5 superfoods for weight loss
Stuff We Love: Excuse-busting new year's gear
Dear Diary, I Have A Crush On Carbs....
Dear Diary, I know it's been a while since I've written. I believe my last entry was in 5th grade and was centered on my crush on Billy Bosworth and how much I hated long division. But I've grown up now and pulled out the ol' Hello Kitty diary to start a food journal. Studies have shown that people who kept a journal of everything they've eaten for at least five days a week are more likely to lose weight and maintain their weight loss. I will be able to see patterns in when I snack the most and how many calories I'm actually taking in over the course of the day. And there are many online versions that will help me with the calculations including the the Food and Fitness Tracker on iVillage, and I won't have to worry about my sister breaking into it because instead of the cheap little lock, it's password protected. I can't wait to see some progress after a few weeks. I wonder what Billy Bosworth is up to...Yours Truly, Me
More on food journals
Your Guide to the healthiest yogurt
6 weeks to a slimmer you
More on food journals
Your Guide to the healthiest yogurt
6 weeks to a slimmer you
Custard's Last Stand
If creme brulee makes you weak in the knees (we feel your pain!), here's a brilliant bait-and-switch from the culinary experts at Williams Sonoma. Here, the caramelized heat of the "brulee" gives way to a cool blast of citrus flavor. Cut a chilled grapefruit in half crosswise. Using a small, sharp knife, cut between the fruit and the peel, then cut along either side of each segment to loosen from the membrane. Leave all the segments in their shells. Place the halves upright in a baking dish. In a small bowl, stir together 1/4 cup firmly-packed light brown sugar, one tbs. unsalted melted butter and 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon. Using your fingers, sprinkle the sugar mixture evenly over the grapefruit halves. Slip under the broiler until the sugar is uniformly bubbly, two to three minutes. Hip, hip, brulee!
Fight fat with fruit
The Eat-What-You-Want Guide to Losing Weight
Is your social life making you fat?
Fight fat with fruit
The Eat-What-You-Want Guide to Losing Weight
Is your social life making you fat?
The Coolest Way To Burn
A Coke that burns calories? You're not dreaming -- we'd pinch you if we could. Coca-Cola's new, sparkling beverage, Enviga -- featuring Nestea green tea -- hits markets this month with the promise of burning 60 to 100 calories with three 12-ounce servings, as borne out in scientific studies. At only five calories a can, that's a dream exchange. Marketed as "the calorie burner," Enviga contains 20 percent of recommended daily calcium and a special green tea antioxidant, EGCG, that partners with your body and the drink's caffeine to shift your metabolism into power mode. Available in green tea, berry and peach, Enviga pulls off the neat trick of helping you chill while you burn.
Hot moves for winter sports
Low-cal winter beverages
What skinny girls know
Hot moves for winter sports
Low-cal winter beverages
What skinny girls know
Getting Suckered At The Store
We know you're always grocery shopping on a full stomach to avoid charging your way through the candy aisle. But remember to prime your brain as much as your belly -- reading between the lines of the signs. Studies on "suggestive signage" have found that promotional numbers, like "3 for $3" or "Buy 10 for your freezer," can tempt you to shell out twice as much money as you planned. To beat 'em at their own game, write your purchase amounts on your shopping lists and stick to it, says food psychologist Brian Wansink. Don't let the vendors' numbers coax you into buying more than you need. That way, you're less likely to stare down a shelf's worth of temptation.
Lose it for good this time
6 nutrients that boost weight loss
I can't stop craving sweets!
Lose it for good this time
6 nutrients that boost weight loss
I can't stop craving sweets!
Monday, February 5, 2007
Teriyaki Salmon
Servings: 4
1 cup soy sauce
Juice and zest of 2 oranges
3 tablespoons brown sugar
4 garlic cloves, peeled and left whole
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh ginger
1 tablespoon white sesame seeds
4 skinless salmon fillets (about 6 ounces each), preferably center cut
Combine the soy sauce, orange juice and zest, brown sugar, garlic and ginger in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat and simmer slowly until reduced by half or syrupy, about 15 minutes. Remove from the heat, stir in the sesame seeds and cool. Transfer to a baking dish, add the salmon, turn to coat and marinate for 1 hour.
Prepare an outdoor grill or preheat the broiler. If cooking outdoors, spray the grill with nonstick cooking spray. Grill the salmon over high heat, or broil, turning once, until the flesh is slightly charred, about 4 minutes per side. Brush the fish with the remaining teriyaki sauce as it cooks. The fish will be medium-rare to medium.
1 cup soy sauce
Juice and zest of 2 oranges
3 tablespoons brown sugar
4 garlic cloves, peeled and left whole
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh ginger
1 tablespoon white sesame seeds
4 skinless salmon fillets (about 6 ounces each), preferably center cut
Combine the soy sauce, orange juice and zest, brown sugar, garlic and ginger in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat and simmer slowly until reduced by half or syrupy, about 15 minutes. Remove from the heat, stir in the sesame seeds and cool. Transfer to a baking dish, add the salmon, turn to coat and marinate for 1 hour.
Prepare an outdoor grill or preheat the broiler. If cooking outdoors, spray the grill with nonstick cooking spray. Grill the salmon over high heat, or broil, turning once, until the flesh is slightly charred, about 4 minutes per side. Brush the fish with the remaining teriyaki sauce as it cooks. The fish will be medium-rare to medium.
Biggest Winner Breakfast Sausage
For those who don't eat pork, chicken or turkey breast can be substituted, but again, added salt is definitely needed.
1/2 pound extra-lean ground pork or pork tenderloin, ground
1 tablespoon minced red onion
1 1/2 teaspoons minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon ground sage
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon salt
To Prepare:
In a medium mixing bowl, combine the pork, onion, garlic, thyme, sage, cayenne, black pepper, and salt. With clean hands or a fork, mix well. Divide the mixture into 4 equal parts. Shape each into a ball. On a sheet of waxed paper, flatten one ball into a 4"-diameter patty. Repeat with the remaining balls. Place any patties that won't immediately be cooked in a single layer or stacked between sheets of waxed paper in an airtight plastic container. Refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 1 month
To cook, select a skillet that's the appropriate size to hold the patty or patties to be cooked in a single layer. Set the skillet over medium-high heat until it is hot enough for a spritz of water to sizzle on it. With an oven mitt, briefly remove the pan from the heat to mist with olive oil spray. Set the patty or patties in the pan. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes per side, or until just starting to brown and no longer pink inside. Serve immediately.
Yield: 4 patties; Serving = 1 1/2 patties.
Nutritional Values (per serving): Fat: 3.6 g. Saturated fat: 1.3 g. Carbohydrates: 0.8 g. Protein: 16.7 g. Calories: 107 kcal. Cholesterol: 47 mg. Sodium: 150 mg.
1/2 pound extra-lean ground pork or pork tenderloin, ground
1 tablespoon minced red onion
1 1/2 teaspoons minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon ground sage
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon salt
To Prepare:
In a medium mixing bowl, combine the pork, onion, garlic, thyme, sage, cayenne, black pepper, and salt. With clean hands or a fork, mix well. Divide the mixture into 4 equal parts. Shape each into a ball. On a sheet of waxed paper, flatten one ball into a 4"-diameter patty. Repeat with the remaining balls. Place any patties that won't immediately be cooked in a single layer or stacked between sheets of waxed paper in an airtight plastic container. Refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 1 month
To cook, select a skillet that's the appropriate size to hold the patty or patties to be cooked in a single layer. Set the skillet over medium-high heat until it is hot enough for a spritz of water to sizzle on it. With an oven mitt, briefly remove the pan from the heat to mist with olive oil spray. Set the patty or patties in the pan. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes per side, or until just starting to brown and no longer pink inside. Serve immediately.
Yield: 4 patties; Serving = 1 1/2 patties.
Nutritional Values (per serving): Fat: 3.6 g. Saturated fat: 1.3 g. Carbohydrates: 0.8 g. Protein: 16.7 g. Calories: 107 kcal. Cholesterol: 47 mg. Sodium: 150 mg.
Month 2 Week 1
The first thing that I should tell you is that I HATE this month, and I don't generally use that word. This is just a bad month all around for me, so it should be interesting to lose weight this month. I can't do worse than I did last month, can I? :)
I have had kind of a slow week already, and I could blame my husband, but what good would that do? Yes, he got me interested in "The Sims", but I am the one who forgot to set a timer so that I did not spend all day in front of the computer (that was Saturday). On Sunday, I loafed on the couch. I felt crumby, my head was about to explode and I felt blah (for lack of a better word), so there, but now it is time to get up and get motivated AGAIN.
I want to lose no less than 5 pounds this month and so help me I will do it. As it is I have already (for the most part) given up soda. It was the last vise that I had, after all, I gave up cookies and the like last year. A woman, from my little girl's play group, gave up soda (she's pregnant and now has diabetes) and lost 5 pounds in one month, so here's to it working for me. I have been soda free for 2 days now, I know that that is not a long time, but consider that I normally have at least 2 a day. I figure if I can live without it until the end of the month, then I will be doing good. Right?
I have had kind of a slow week already, and I could blame my husband, but what good would that do? Yes, he got me interested in "The Sims", but I am the one who forgot to set a timer so that I did not spend all day in front of the computer (that was Saturday). On Sunday, I loafed on the couch. I felt crumby, my head was about to explode and I felt blah (for lack of a better word), so there, but now it is time to get up and get motivated AGAIN.
I want to lose no less than 5 pounds this month and so help me I will do it. As it is I have already (for the most part) given up soda. It was the last vise that I had, after all, I gave up cookies and the like last year. A woman, from my little girl's play group, gave up soda (she's pregnant and now has diabetes) and lost 5 pounds in one month, so here's to it working for me. I have been soda free for 2 days now, I know that that is not a long time, but consider that I normally have at least 2 a day. I figure if I can live without it until the end of the month, then I will be doing good. Right?
Everything Tastes Better Breaded
Glad we got that off our chest! If you love to bread your chicken and roll out your dough, we've got a few ways to slash carbs and calories. Steal some Fiber One from the cereal cabinet -- with 14 grams of fiber per half-cup, it'll slow your digestion for better "fuel efficiency." Hungry Girl recommends mixing the crumbs with a dab of light butter for a healthier pie crust. Or toss in the food processor for crumbs that make a great coat for chicken tenders and onion rings. Panko, the Japanese bread crumbs, are another smart choice, though somewhat blander; mix with low-fat Parmesan cheese for added flavor without excessive calories.
7 ways to beat bloating
6 superfoods for weight loss
Winter workout for a hot body
7 ways to beat bloating
6 superfoods for weight loss
Winter workout for a hot body
Beaux Oats
Beaux Oats
Talk about a comfort food! Warm oatmeal conjures thoughts of snuggling under a big blanket on a giant overstuffed couch and watching snowflakes fall past the window... of your log cabin. Okay, you're obviously at your computer right now, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a tasty bowl of oatmeal. After all, January is Oatmeal Month. (For real!) What's more, many instant versions of oatmeal are low in calories and provide lots o' fiber. If your stomach's really growling, try a bowl of Quaker Instant Oatmeal Weight Control. One serving, made with water, is 160 calories, but also contains 6 g of fiber, which is almost a quarter of what you need for the day. And, as you already know, adequate amounts of fiber can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and more. Well, what are you waiting for? Oatmeal month is almost over, so fill up a big bowl and celebrate in style.
5 superfoods for weight loss
Talk about a comfort food! Warm oatmeal conjures thoughts of snuggling under a big blanket on a giant overstuffed couch and watching snowflakes fall past the window... of your log cabin. Okay, you're obviously at your computer right now, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a tasty bowl of oatmeal. After all, January is Oatmeal Month. (For real!) What's more, many instant versions of oatmeal are low in calories and provide lots o' fiber. If your stomach's really growling, try a bowl of Quaker Instant Oatmeal Weight Control. One serving, made with water, is 160 calories, but also contains 6 g of fiber, which is almost a quarter of what you need for the day. And, as you already know, adequate amounts of fiber can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and more. Well, what are you waiting for? Oatmeal month is almost over, so fill up a big bowl and celebrate in style.
5 superfoods for weight loss
Buddy Up
Are you one of those fabulous fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants girls who simply can't be bothered with packing her lunch? (Or maybe you just don't have time to grocery shop. Perhaps you insist one can eat healthfully and cheaply on the go?) If you leave your workday noshing to a whim on your lunch break excursion, do yourself a favor when you get back into the office. That healthy snack you bought for later -- you know, to hopefully prevent another walk of shame from the vending machine? Leave it with your cube neighbor for safe keeping until those 3:30 grumblings start. That way, you'll be less likely to eat it right along with the rest of your lunch, which would leave you empty-handed come snack time.
Fight fat with fruit
The truth about cellulite
Six nutrients that boost weight loss
Fight fat with fruit
The truth about cellulite
Six nutrients that boost weight loss
Face Facts
Let's face it: Those cravings don't always flare up because of an insufficient lunchtime caloric intake. Sometimes we just need a distraction. You know the feeling -- your eyes start to glaze over; you click from window to window, not really knowing what you're looking for; suddenly the annoying guy two desks over is having a very interesting conversation disputing a long-distance charge with his phone company. It turns out, you really do need a break. But that break doesn't have to come from food. Try turning off your monitor for a few minutes, taking a few deep breaths and giving yourself a refreshing restart with a facial cleansing wipe. If you wear makeup and would rather not go "nude" for the rest of the day, go to the restroom and brush your teeth. By cutting your brain some slack for a few minutes and freshening up, you may find that you weren't hungry after all.
10 ways to eat right in transit
Mindful eating
10 ways to eat right in transit
Mindful eating
Toss the Salt
You've heard it all before: Too much sodium is bad for your blood pressure and heart, yada, yada, yada. But don't be so quick to dismiss those statistics. According to the American Heart Association, healthy adults should limit their daily sodium intake to 2,300 mg per day, which is 700 mg less than the average American woman consumes. If you're like us, those numbers don't mean a whole lot, but here's some valuable info: One teaspoon of salt contains almost your entire daily recommendation of sodium.
So consider your habits. Do you shake salt onto your dinner plate every night? Do you seek savory snacks over sweet ones? If so, perhaps it's time to take note of the sodium level on the packaged foods you buy.
Luckily, it can be easy to lower your sodium intake. Try cooking without salt, using instead sodium-free spices to, um, spice things up. Also, avoid canned meats, soups and broths, which are all known for being high in sodium. Eat more fresh fruits and veggies, and lastly, try removing your salt shaker from the dining table.
Challenge yourself
No more excuses!
Lose your love handles
So consider your habits. Do you shake salt onto your dinner plate every night? Do you seek savory snacks over sweet ones? If so, perhaps it's time to take note of the sodium level on the packaged foods you buy.
Luckily, it can be easy to lower your sodium intake. Try cooking without salt, using instead sodium-free spices to, um, spice things up. Also, avoid canned meats, soups and broths, which are all known for being high in sodium. Eat more fresh fruits and veggies, and lastly, try removing your salt shaker from the dining table.
Challenge yourself
No more excuses!
Lose your love handles
Work It Out
Next time you feel the urge to get your mind off work for a little while, head toward the snack shop on the corner -- but don't go in! (Did we really think we'd encourage to slip up on your diet?) Instead, keep going... and going... until you reach your gym. That's right, take a break for an hour or so, and get your workout done midway through the day. Imagine it: You get to leave your desk, remove yourself from the normal environmental triggers that send you running for the vending machine, and get your workout done before your boss has completely sapped you of your energy for the day. (Not to mention that the queues for machines are bound to be smaller when you beat the after-work rush.) Forward this to a fledgling gym rat. Seeking more ways to sack your snack attacks? Get motivated -- check out the following:Top that: Sculpt a sexy upper back and chest
Get fit with a customized plan
How to beat a weight-loss plateau
Get fit with a customized plan
How to beat a weight-loss plateau
Tuck and Roll
Want a snack that's fulfilling and fun to make -- and eat? Tuck veggies into a cozy embrace of turkey or prosciutto. Asparagus wrapped in smoked turkey is a healthy swap for a pig-in-a-blanket. Or, curl a few slices of turkey around string cheese and some lettuce or cucumber. For a sophisticated spin, try Wegman's Asparagus and Prosciutto Bundles. Blanche a bunch of asparagus in boiling salted water until tender; drain and transfer to a bowl of ice water. Cut two to three slices of prosciutto in thirds, lengthwise, and spread about a teaspoon of mustard on each slice. Place three asparagus tips on each prosciutto slice, and roll into a bundle. Stand upright to serve.
Fat burning zone? Let's do the math
Flat abs with kickboxing
Why women need muscles
Fat burning zone? Let's do the math
Flat abs with kickboxing
Why women need muscles
Dairy Queen
Hitting a rut between meals? Your body might be asking for cheese, please. A mix of low-fat dairy (yogurt, cottage cheese, ricotta) and high-fiber food will help stabilize your blood sugar 'til mealtime. Some ideas: toss some blueberries into your cottage cheese, or munch on a string-cheese stick with whole-grain crackers and a glass of tomato juice. Or sprinkle air-popped popcorn with one to two tablespoons of grated Parmesan for blockbuster taste on a low-cal budget. Either way, you'll ride on enough fuel for the hours ahead.
Lose by listening to your body
Six slim-down strategies
Burn calories safer and smarter
Lose by listening to your body
Six slim-down strategies
Burn calories safer and smarter
The Happy Hundred
Going out to party? An hour before heading out, take a break from primping for a pre-night-out nosh. A snack of 100 to 200 calories should take the edge off your hunger. Try a cup of tomato soup, a carton of nonfat yogurt, or veggies with guacamole or bean dip. More 100-calorie snacks: one Jello Brand Smoothie snack, four Tootsie Roll Midgets, seven chocolate-covered almonds or half a cup of edamame. Then wriggle into your dress and head out into the night; when you're not consumed with consumption, you'll be free to work the room!
One day detox diet
One day detox diet
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