Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Scramble Things Up

If you're like us, your cravings may start before the afternoon lull. It's hard not to spend a day's worth of calories when there are tempting muffins and doughnuts in the office kitchen or at that morning meeting. The easiest way to fight temptation is to whip up a low-cal breakfast at home, and we've got a new favorite. Eggsland's Best Eggs, which contain less cholesterol less saturated fat and more Omega-3s than ordinary eggs because of the hens' high-quality diet. With a diet of all-natural, all-vegetarian feed that contains healthy natural grains, canola oil and an all-natural supplement of rice bran, alfalfa, sea kelp, vitamin E and no animal fats, these hens probably eat healthier than you do. Check out the Eggland's Best Eggs's Website for some fun and healthy recipes. Here's our modified recipe for one of their breakfast favorites: Cut a hole into the center of a slice of whole-wheat bread with a 3-inch-wide cookie cutter. Melt a tablespoon of light margarine in a small frying pan, place bread in pan until bread is golden brown, then turn the bread over and melt the extra margarine into the cut-out. Break the egg into the opening and season lightly. Cover and cook for about 2 minutes and then enjoy your healthy and hearty breakfast or snack.
Forward this email to your egg-loving friends!
Good morning, sunshine
Six slim-down strategies
iWatch Health

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