Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Get Brownie Points

The brownie has a cult following few desserts can rival, but any brownie fan who's spent countless hours at the gym to support her habit will tell you that those ooey-gooey fudgy centers and deliciously crispy crusts come at a price. To add insult to injury, so-called "fat free" brownies have tended to taste like Styrofoam, leaving health-conscious brownie fans at a loss. But there's good news: You don't have to give up your favorite treat for the sake of saving your health. If you really need to have your brownie and eat it too, we've found five contenders that'll make both your lips and your hips happy!
Without further ado, we present the first installment in our Week of Healthy Brownies. Each day, we'll present you with a way to make your brownie habit a little more diet-friendly.
Pick #1 Cocoa Jones Brownies
Cocoa Jones Brownies are baked in micro batches using only the finest, high-quality ingredients and no unnatural preservatives. The taste is pure cocoa goodness, and the texture is supremely fudgy. While the original brownies are gargantuan, the new two-ounce snack sizes are heaven-sent — they're just big enough to (really!) satisfy your craving, but, amazingly, weigh in at just under 200 calories. So if you find yourself jonesing for a gourmet indulgence, here's a treat that won't take up much room on your daily calorie allowance.
Get brownie points with your friends. Pass this on.
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