Sunday, December 31, 2006

Don't Deny It

We all have a little rebel inside of us -- you know, the voice that insists on asking "Why not?" or "Who says so?" whenever our more rational side says "Don't eat that." So instead of ignoring the little devil (which only makes him madder), deal with it by not denying yourself all the time. Every once in a while, go ahead and indulge in your favorite treat; if you know that you can have it at some point, you'll crave it less -- and less intensely -- the rest of the time. If you feel that willpower might be an issue or that once you start you might want to indulge everyday, pick a specific time, like Sunday evenings or Wednesday afternoons, for your snack. Once you give yourself permission to snack smartly, the rest of the days should be a piece or cake... er, rice cake.
How to help a dangerously overweight friend,,8n6gf4td,00.html?nlcid=cv11-15-2006
If I'm eating healthy, why am I gaining weight?,,3b4t,00.html?nlcid=cv11-15-2006

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